7th International Construction Conference
7th - 9th August 2024
Sunbird Nkopola Lodge Mangochi
Event Image

Chief Executive Officer's Welcome

Welcome to the 7th International Construction Conference! I am very delighted to extend our warm Malawian greetings to all esteemed delegates,industry leaders,innovators,and experts to the 7th International Construction Conference, at Nkopola Lodge, Mangochi. Over the three days of the conference from 7th-9th August 2024,we will embark on a journey of collaboration,knowledge-sharing,and discovery in the dynamic field of construction.

This conference serves as a platform where vibrant ideas converge, innovations flourish, and partnerships evolve to shape the future of construction in Malawi and beyond. Together, we will explore research-informed propositions in the field, tackle challenges such as climate change induced disasters, and chart pathways towards adoption of a transformed, sustainable and quality driven construction industry.

I encourage you to actively participate in this conference, engage fully, exchange insights, and forge connections that will not only enrich your professional endeavors but also contribute to the collective aspiration of our country towards Malawi 2063 and beyond. Once again, welcome to the 7th International Construction Conference, 2024. Let's Innovate, Adapt and Excel in a Quality Driven Construction Industry

Whatsapp:+265 888 623 845, Phone:+265 999 924 426, Email:icc2024@ncic.mw